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Summer concert 2024

What a fabulous evening we had in Silkstone on Sat 13th July. We enjoyed a fantastic variety of songs and pieces performed by not just us, but our guests the V&A Choral Ensemble and our visiting soloist Bodgan Pyasta. A packed church, and a full program. Huge thanks to the organisers, the refreshments team, our choir soloists and both our very talented accompanists, Philip Sutcliffe and Elliott Walker. It was a fantastic treat to sing both Cwm Rhonda and Albert Hay Malotte’s Lord’s Prayer with the backing of the very powerful 3 manual Viscount organ. Hugely thankful to Elliott for joining us in those.
The emotional joint item, Harbour, left both the choirs and audience in tears – such a powerful piece with a 1st verse performed in a capella Ukranian by Bogdan.
We’re looking forward to our return visit, joining the V&A in Derbyshire on June 14th next year ❤️🎶

Eskdale Festival

We’ve just had the most fabulous day in Whitby – we sang our hearts out, in both the Male Voice and the Sacred categories. Super comments from the adjudicator (Marilynne Davies – thank you!) who loved our balance, our tone, our energy and presentation. And we were congratulated for being the most attentive choir there (absolutely important!) . Special mentions went to our soloists in ‘Do You Hear The People Sing’ – Dave Marsh (bass), Will Bisby (top tenor) and Chris Marsh (baritone). Our tenors were given credit for a wonderful solo section in Morte Christe, and she loved our well controlled endings to our pieces across the board. We couldn’t be more proud of every single choir member this weekend. We’ve had members singing this weekend who are super new to singing, let alone competitions. It’s the first time many of our gents have ever sung in anything as prestigious as today. What teamwork and camaraderie we’ve been a privilege to be a part of. Congratulations to the winners of all our sections – we were especially inspired by Colne Valley MVC and York Philharmonic MVC, and really loved sharing the stage with our other local choirs in Penistone ladies and Skelmanthorpe MVC. There’s something so special about being in the company of friends. Stunning performances all round ♥️🎶🎶

Celebrity Concert – with the West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service Band

What an evening of fantastic performances from the choir, and the band, to a full house audience at Penistone Paramount. Highlights from the choir included Alexander’s Ragtime Band, My Lord What a Morning and Cabaret. Soloists Dave, Will and Chris sang a fantastic opening to ‘Do You Hear the People Sing’ followed by Phil’s beautiful solo in Bring Him Home. We have so many talented soloists in our choir. Ralph really gave his all as MC of Cabaret! We loved it! The band played some beautiful pieces – including, Gabriel’s oboe, a magnificent ‘Bugler’s Holiday’ from their trio of talented trumpeters, and led us in some joint numbers – a Gospel Medley and a duo of WW2 singalong songs. Thanks to Nick Dolling for his inspirational arrangements.

MGMVC’s 43rd Celebrity Concert featuring THe Band of West Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service

Millhouse Green Male Voice Choir at their Paramount Celebrity Concert 23rd March 2024

2024 Celebrity Concert

We’re looking forward to starting our 2024 concert season at the Penistone Paramount on Saturday 23rd March with West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Band – 7.15. It’s Penistone Arts week too!

Tickets available on the Paramount website

Looking forward to seeing you there. Please check the ‘upcoming performances’ section of our website for future dates. Our next stop is the Eskdale Festival in Whitby on Sat 20th April.

Choir Tour 2023: The Lake District

We are all absolutely buzzing after a 4 day trip to the Lakes. From our fabulous hotel ‘The Castle Inn’ on the banks of Bassenthwaite, we’ve explored Keswick, sung with Whitehaven Male Voice Choir in Cleator, and entertained the guests and shoppers of Hayes Garden World.

So many great memories made, and experiences had. 2 social evenings have brought smiles to everyone’s faces! One of our trip organisers, Ray, celebrated his Ruby wedding anniversary with us on Sunday, and brought everyone to tears with the songs he sang so beautifully to Chris.

We’ve renamed our coach driver Kev ‘The Bridge master’ and our poet laureate Christine has even written a poem about the coach / bridge experience! Please ask a choir member for the full details… it was quite the experience!

It was wonderful to share the weekend too with the wonderful Sue Christie and her partner Donald. Sue celebrated the 30th anniversary of her joining MGMVC (1994), by conducting the joint items in Cleator. Huge thank you to Donald for supporting our basses, John & Will B for being great comperes, and to Phil S for being a superstar, and basically not stopping playing all weekend!

Wonder where ‘Steve & Ray’ tours will take us next?? They are the best tour operators anywhere to be found 🤩

MGMVC at Haye’s Garden Centre

Recording with McShane & Shaw – Sept 4th 2023

What a fabulous evening we have had recording a track in Thurlstone Church. We can’t wait for you to hear the ‘Pension for a Soldier’ in digital form AND we’re performing it live in concert at both Dodworth on Nov 11th & in Penistone on Nov 25th… and maybe in the Lakes later this month… watch this space ♥️🎵

You can now listen to the full recording here on YouTube:

Choir Wedding Congratulations 🎉

Fabulous to have had 2 weddings this week for choir members and their families. Our fabulous, and experienced bass Dave got married on Thursday, accompanied in this pic by his baritone dad Chris! And Saturday saw our bass Keith celebrating the wedding of his daughter to one of our newest members – Ivan, who is trying out singing with our baritones!

A huge MGMVC congratulations to both Dave and Ivan, and their families . We couldn’t be more thrilled for you both!

Songs for the Summer with Penistone Ladies

A huge thank you to everyone who made our evening such a success – both choirs performed fabulous sets! The choir and audience sang two local folk songs together – 6 Jolly Miners (led by Duncan & arr. by Joe Shaw) & The Grand Pubs of Yorkshire (led by Michael B). Our 2 joint numbers were The Circle of Life from the Lion King, and The Lord’s Prayer by Albert Hay Malotte. What a wonderful combined sound!! Thanks to all the tea and coffee helpers, Melvyn for being our ticket officer on the door, and the ladies choir for organising the raffle and programs. Thanks go to both our pianists too, both choirs are blessed with super talented musicians who accompany them each week – Philip Sutcliffe and Yvonne Woffenden.

Joint rehearsal with Penistone Ladies Choir

We had a fabulous evening on Monday (3rd July) with the Penistone Ladies – we’re working on 2 joint items and some Yorkshire folk songs for our concert on July 15th. Led by Joe and Rachel, with fabulous pianists in Yvonne and Phil we worked hard on Malotte’s Lord’s Prayer, and the Lion King’s Circle of Life, complete with flute and djembe.we’re really looking forward to the concert now!! Come along on July 15th to Emmanuel church for a great evening 🎵